We do not accept obscene or offensive language.
We do not accept racism, sexism, or homophobia.
We do not accept sexual or erotic material.
We do not accept material intended to cause agitation.
We do not accept any other unlawful material.
No sexual content of any kind is permitted, such as provocative dancing, sitting on someone’s genitals, swapping saliva, or touching genitals. While swaying of the hips is allowed, pole dancing is not permitted.
No photographs are allowed unless each individual in the shot has given explicit permission. Respect individuals’ privacy, and do not attempt to persuade anyone otherwise. Any photographs taken must be reviewed by all persons appearing in them immediately after the photo is taken.
Staring is considered very rude, whether you are clothed or not.
Always use a towel when sitting on others' furniture to maintain hygiene, preventing transfer of substances such as suntan oil and sweat.
We strive to create a harmonious environment. Please refrain from arguing or fighting and leave aggressive behaviour at home. Maintain a friendly demeanour and handle disagreements privately to ensure others’ comfort.
Your partner or guest is solely your responsibility. Ensure they understand the code of conduct before attending. If they cannot adhere to it, you are expected to manage their behaviour in a mature and diplomatic manner.
Cover any unexpected erections discreetly with a towel or by lying on your front.
No violence or loud arguments; always respect others, even if they upset you.
Do not litter; clean up after yourself. Parents are responsible for their children's actions in this regard. Follow our "Leave no trace" motto by bringing a trash bag when visiting public places.
Avoid making rude comments about anyone.
Children should be supervised by adults to ensure they do not cause disturbances.
Binoculars are generally unwelcome in naturist resorts.
Do not go naked in places where nudity is not permitted, as it invites trouble.
Be considerate of others when playing music or radios in naturist resorts or beaches. Use earphones when possible and lower the volume if asked.
Respect other people’s property.
Privacy is fundamental. Many individuals seek solitude at resorts or beaches. Respect their space and do not intrude if unwelcome.
Always come prepared with supplies such as beverages, food, sunscreen, towels, or personal items. Dependence on others for these needs is discouraged.
Uphold standards by addressing newcomers who may misunderstand our values. Approach them politely but firmly to address any inappropriate behaviour or language.